News animal care

Dear friends, dear business partners,  the time has come to deliver a sad message:Last Friday, Peter Pampel, founder of CAI-PAN, passed away at the age of 86.We are very grateful that he was part of our lives. He was an endearing and inspiring person with whom...

We have been selling CAI-PAN®mint in Italy for many years, we have very loyal customers in Italy and the farmers love our products. Since June we have a new customer located near Parma: CAI-PAN®sprizz is available at F2 diagnostic now. F2 diagnostic sells products for...

udder care with the ease of a spray – perfect around calving The lotion comes as a convenient spray and saves valuable time. No massaging is necessary as lotion is absorbed quickly by skin. Herbal essences nourish skin of the udder: thyme, lavender and calendula cleanse,...

In November 2014, CAI-PAN took part in the Eurotier in Hanover. The trade show is the world’s leading trade fair for animal production professionals with more than 156.000 guestst from more than 100 countries and with more than 2.100 exhibitors from around 50 countries. We...